When your body is
deficient in something

Nicotinamid axicur® 200 mg tablets

For use in the treatment of clinical nicotinamide deficiency conditions in malnutrition as well as when needed.

Useful information about nicotinamide and deficiency symptoms
Nicotinamide is the amide of nicotinic acid (niacin, vitamin B3) and is a water-soluble vitamin. It plays an important role in the body by its involvement in many enzymatic processes. Nicotinamide is involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

A particularly large amount of nicotinamide contains fish (such as anchovies, tuna fish, salmon, mackerel) and meat (lean beef, calf and pork, poultry) and offal. Plant foods such as mung beans, peanuts and fungi also have a high content. In the case of eating habits in Germany, meat, coffee and wholegrain bread are among the main suppliers. The water-soluble vitamin transfers into the water during cooking, so in the event of a tendential deficiency, it may be useful to continue to use the cooking water.

Nicotinamide deficiency, for example, can be caused by a long-term lopsided diet, but certain diseases may also be associated with nicotinamide deficiency. These include, for example:

Nicotinamide deficiency symptoms may include:

Nicotinamide deficiency is often accompanied by a lack of other B vitamins and can be checked, for example, by means of a blood test.

Please discuss this with your physician or pharmacist.


Nicotinamid axicur® 200 mg Tabletten

Anwendungsgebiete: Vitamin-Präparat zur Anwendung bei Behandlung klinischer Nicotinamid-Mangelzustände bei Mangel- und Fehlernährung sowie bei gesteigertem Bedarf. Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen lesen Sie die Packungsbeilage und fragen Sie Ihre Ärztin, Ihren Arzt oder in Ihrer Apotheke. axicorp Pharma GmbH, 61381 Friedrichsdorf. Stand: April 2022

Nicotinamid axicur® Gebrauchsinformation


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